Why it’s Imperative to Include SEO In Your Digital Marketing Strategy

For any business hoping to thrive in today’s digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) should be a foundational element of your marketing strategy. While SEO may have earned a reputation among some as an archaic or obscure practice, nothing could be further from the truth. In 2021 and beyond, SEO will continue playing an indispensable role in determining how discoverable your business is online when potential customers sit down at their keyboards with a question, problem, or need your products or services can fulfill. Companies that view SEO as an overlooked or optional “nice to have” aspect of marketing are putting themselves at a severe disadvantage compared to their more SEO-savvy competitors.

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This article will explore why SEO is vital in today’s business landscape, discussing how it can improve your company’s online visibility and bottom line.

The Importance of Online Visibility

In the digital age, businesses are increasingly reliant on their online presence to attract new customers and thrive. Gone are the days when people relied solely on word-of-mouth recommendations or print ads to discover new products or services. With the immense popularity of search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, consumers now turn to the internet first when researching options and making purchasing decisions.

According to a study by HubSpot Baltimore Marketing Agency, 72% of customers research a product online before buying it at a physical store. Additionally, 88% of consumers conduct online research before committing to a purchase. These statistics highlight the critical role that online visibility plays in driving customer acquisition and sales.

The Power of SEO

So how does SEO factor into this equation? Simply put, it has a direct impact on your website’s search engine ranking- or where it shows up in search results when users type in relevant keywords. Higher rankings translate to increased online visibility and, ultimately, more potential customers finding and engaging with your business.

Consider this: according to a study by Marketing Agency Chicago, the website listed as number one on the Google search results page receives an average of 32.5% of all traffic for that specific search query. The second spot sees only half that amount at 17.6%, while every subsequent spot decreases in percentage significantly, making the first few results on the first page of search results crucial for driving traffic to your website.

The Benefits of Being Found

The benefits of increased online visibility reach far beyond mere web traffic numbers. When potential customers can quickly find your business through a quick Google search, it lends an air of legitimacy and trustworthiness to your brand. High rankings also imply that your website is considered a valuable and authoritative resource within your industry.

Moreover, the majority of users tend to click on organic search results- those that have not been paid for through advertising. In fact, according to Smart Insights’ study mentioned earlier, only 15% of users click on paid ads while 85% prefer organic search results. This finding shows that SEO offers a more cost-effective means of driving traffic to your website compared to paid advertising methods.

The Long-Term Impact of SEO

One of the most significant benefits of incorporating SEO into your marketing strategy is its long-term impact. While other marketing tactics may offer short-term boosts in visibility or sales, SEO’s effects are more lasting and sustainable.

For instance, paid ads can be an effective means of attracting website visitors, but once you stop paying for the ads, your traffic will likely decrease. With SEO, however, the efforts put into optimizing your website and content can continue to pay off over time.

This long-term impact is due in part to the fact that SEO involves creating quality content that not only attracts search engines but also resonates with potential customers. By regularly producing well-written, informative, and relevant content that answers their questions and solves their problems, your website will continue to rank well and drive traffic long after the initial creation. Additionally, as more users engage with your content through likes, shares, comments, and backlinks- links from other websites to yours- your website’s authority and trustworthiness will increase in the eyes of search engines, further solidifying your position in search results.

The Constantly Evolving Nature of SEO

Another reason why it’s crucial to include SEO in your marketing strategy is that it is an ever-changing field. Search engines continuously update their algorithms and ranking factors, meaning that the tactics you used a year ago may not be as effective today.

To stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge, it’s essential to continually research and stay informed about the latest SEO trends and best practices. By incorporating SEO into your marketing strategy, you are committing to staying on top of these changes and continuously improving your online presence.

The Role of Link Building

When discussing SEO, link building is a concept that often comes up. In simple terms, link building refers to the process of acquiring backlinks from other websites to yours. These backlinks act as a vote of confidence for your website, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy.

However, not all links are created equal- quality matters more than quantity in this case. A few high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites can do wonders for your website’s ranking compared to dozens of low-quality links from spammy websites.

To build effective links, it’s crucial to create exceptional content that other websites will want to reference and link back to. This could include data-driven research, insightful industry analyses, or informative how-to guides. Additionally, reaching out and forming relationships with other businesses and publications in your industry can also lead to valuable backlinks.

This process takes time and effort but can significantly impact your website’s search engine ranking in the long run.


In today’s highly competitive digital landscape, businesses must prioritize their online visibility to stay relevant and attract potential customers. Incorporating SEO into your marketing strategy is a crucial step towards achieving this goal. The benefits of improved search engine ranking, increased online visibility, and long-term impact make it a valuable investment for any business looking to succeed in the digital world. As SEO continues to evolve, staying informed and continuously improving your website’s optimization will be key to maintaining a competitive advantage and driving success.

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